Hello, this page contains important information, questions and answers. This page will be updated with the latest key information.
您好,此頁面包含重要信息、問題和答案。 根據最新的重要信息,本頁面將被持續更新。


Please kindly RSVP before 27 Oct 2023! RSVP will secure a seat for you (and the invited plus one).
請在2023年10月27日之前RSVP! RSVP 將為您(和您的同伴)確保座位。

Contact Info 聯繫方式

Please contact Jerry on the reception day.

Transportation 交通

  1. Location地點: The Kiribilli Club, 11 Harbourview Cres, Lavender Bay NSW 2060 Australia
  2. Time時間: 早上10.30am (請提前15分鐘到達 Please arrive 15 minutes early)
  3. Using public transport is preferred.推薦使用公共交通。
  4. There are limited parking spots in the building. However, they are shared parking spots. No parking guaranteed. First come first serve until full.
    停車位有限。 先到先得,直到滿為止。 不保證有停車位。
  5. Click on the map for (public transport/driving) directions. 點擊地圖有公共交通或自駕路線。

Dietary Requirement


Please fill in any dietary requirements in the RSVP form. If in doubt or you would like to discuss, please feel free to reach out to us.
請在 RSVP 表格中填寫任何飲食要求。 如有疑問或想討論,請隨時與我們聯繫。

Pets 寵物

Unfortunately, pets are not allowed in the Kiribilli club.
很遺憾,Kirribilli 俱樂部不允許攜帶寵物。

Dresscode 著裝要求

Smart Casual (dress comfortably if you like)
